Light + Nasty Drinks = Puke on Jitney's Car





Light = night club next to TWillies
Nasty Drinks = dumb bitches cant make a slightly decent vodka collins

light beer +shots+champain= me :puke:


i feel like garbage… something was put in my drink i know it, i never get like that

jon you missed some fun shit :stick:

i think the same happended to mre!



light beer sucks!!!

ha, whatever dude :rolleyes:

i definitely got something put in my drink cause i just puked again… god i fell like garbage

what color?

:kekegay: eat some bacon

i just puked up bacon…

Whitey got the DATE RAPE drug… geez those Metro sexual guys must like you

hahahahahahhahahahaha! ROFLOL!
Whitey, you and I will never live our “metrosexuality” down…

But, I bet he got a whif of your Herbal Essences and couldnt resist!..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

