I got a like new Fullsize bed if anyone is interested.
Matress & boxspring.
i got it last yr @ levin or Roomful (forget which one).
It one of their cheap bed $200 or so.
we were using it in our guest bedroom, but after getting a new bed for ourselves & moving our older queen into the guest room. we have no need for it.
we were going to use it in out other guest room after we painted, etc…, but decided to keep a Futon in there.
Its probably only be used once…when family came & stayed for a weekend.
so if anyone wants this…the wife wants it outta the house. ASAP.
$25 & come pick it up.

damn, my sister just had to buy a new bed set. We moved her queen size bed into our parents house during some remodeling, and after wards there is no possible way it will ever come out in 1 peice. So she had to buy a whole new one when she moved out. Too late now 
one of my roomates might be looking for a bed since a drunk slut pissed on his bed the other night.
cool…let him know & let me know.
want to have it out of the house by next week
i’ll take it tomorrow if there’s a “no-protein spill” guarantee.
Its all clean…but i think its taken.
my wife talked to some friends yesterday when i was posting it on here & they want it.
if things change i’ll let you know.