Like old times...Party at O next Friday (12.5)- I'll be back in town!

Isn’t Friday night “Salsa night” at O now?

:bsflag: There are no hot girls on the internet!

(To the nyspeed girls I actually know [lol both of you] I’m just joking!)

Wish I could swing by … but I have to work downtown :frowning:

Salsa night on fridays?
man, things have changed, lol.
Oh well, it’ll be fun regardless.

they still serve sushi there right? they better because I’m coming early to snag some!

Btw…is it snowing?

who is akvile?

Is that a town?

EDIT: hmmm…i could only finde “Sackville, Canada” on the map.

BUMP for tonight. :slight_smile:

i’m going to try and make an appearance

Yeah, I’ll stop by around 9-10.

I will APPEAR.

Really nice seeing all the OG’s again last night…

fell asleep at 10pm and slept till 930 this morning, I was coming off 40 straight hours of work and i was tired. Sorry guys. Sounds like it was a good time

opps, totally forgot. :frowning:

I had a hockey game at 10 and was beat after that from a long week… sounds like you had a good time though!

yep. :meh2:

punks…way to forget :stuck_out_tongue:
missed out on some fun…but I understand…we are getting older, working more, getting more tired, and then it snowed out of nowhere…but still, you should have came out!

now it’s all of your turn to come visit me!
I’ll try to be back again soon…maybe in the next few months because Mark (the hubby) will have vacation time again and he can come with. :slight_smile:

Keep in touch!

wait, wtf did you call me the other night?