List Reasons why Rubicant is: An a-hole/a Penis/Gay

^ This guys on fire today

Things that I have learned from this thread:

1.) Rubicant loves to bust balls.

2.) I will probably never make a thread about him ever again.

3.) Rubicant brings the gay out of everyone.


Things that I have learned from this thread:

1.) Rubicant loves to bust balls.

2.) I will probably never make a thread about him ever again.

3.) Rubicant brings the gay out of everyone.


Truth… However,

Things you should have also learned…

1.) Never make fun of a mod because he (NOT she, HA-HA, Stairs) can do things to you that are unfair and cruel(sexual and non-sexual).

2.) You are a good sport, :tup:

3.) Sureshot! gives teh best rusty trombone.


Motion to bring back avatars and make this thong’s:

Oh, and might as well make his title “She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck”






Don’t you have some VW’er to stalk or something? I won’t mention any names but their intials are…



Don’t you have some VW’er to stalk or something? I won’t mention any names but their intials are…



jay wonch doesnt own a vw?


jay wonch doesnt own a vw?


Of everything I said you comment on that?? :retard:


Making out with me does not constitute hitting on me. He already had me. :headbang:


Yeah, I know that now after all his one in a million talk and promises of a ring on my finger :cry:


God, you really are a slut. I should have listened to my friends.

Did that text me nothing to you today!? All lies. No new Benassi set for you this week.



Look I told you I just needed some space, the text was important to me. But youre just too controlling. Every time we cuddle and i get a text from one of my guy friends you freak out because you think im automatically cheating on you. I just cant handle that right now. I NEED MY SPACE.

Please send Benny though, if you ever loved me then you will.


I cant believe the tangled web we weave here on the speed.

so many manwhores its almost disgusting and to think I have lip serviced almost everyone in this thread shames me to the core.

I thought each of you would love me for me and not because I was good with my mouth…little did I know you were all just passing me around like the manwhore I am.

I hope you all get Herpes!


Im not even talking to you after that rufie stunt you pulled at Marcellas that one night many moons ago. I havent forgotten. My butt hasnt forgotten. :frowning: I showered for hours but still felt dirty :frowning:

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:58,topic:30264"”]

After reading this thread, if I hear one more person tell me I bring out the gay in them, I’m totally going to suck their butt.


God youre such a freak, im glad we never got serious.
PM me for address for butt sucking


Yeah, I know that now after all his one in a million talk and promises of a ring on my finger :cry:

Look I told you I just needed some space, the text was important to me. But youre just too controlling. Every time we cuddle and i get a text from one of my guy friends you freak out because you think im automatically cheating on you. I just cant handle that right now. I NEED MY SPACE.

Please send Benny though, if you ever loved me then you will.

Im not even talking to you after that rufie stunt you pulled at Marcellas that one night many moons ago. I havent forgotten. My butt hasnt forgotten. :frowning: I showered for hours but still felt dirty :frowning:

God youre such a freak, im glad we never got serious.
PM me for address for butt sucking


You are really trying for that “Fagmatron” custom title, aren’t you…

5 ZJ’s and it’s yours!!! :giggle:


You are really trying for that “Fagmatron” custom title, aren’t you…








i love this thread

except i could have done without my ex b/f passmcgrass posting in it. trust me the butt sucking isnt that good


i love this thread

except i could have done without my ex b/f passmcgrass posting in it. trust me the butt sucking isnt that good


:word: He is a stalker though, I kept telling him, “No Chris, it’s over…” but he kept at it and finally I had to smash his shoulder into the cement sidewalk on Delaware for him to finally leave me alone.



Zong is now the dong-er

[quote=“Long Duck Dong,post:75,topic:30264"”]





I at least gave you your own smiley…

Oh man… :lol:


:zong:= zong. I fucking love it