i think rubicant is very handsome

he is a sexy man whom i want to give my virginity.


he also saved my semester. thanks <3

i agree…

him and I have had some good nights together…

lots of sex crime


this thread is almost as gay as using a mac :stuck_out_tongue:

dude, i got a dell from rubicant. he saved my semester :eekdance:

who can resist that man sausage of his


you’re more of a hetero man than i am.

:mamoru: not really!

matt’s sausage stinks like sewage since he seldomly sanitizes it


i thought it smelled nice.

This is the gayest thread on the internet…


I am glad to have been a part of it.

matt is very handsome, i miss his douchebagery at times, and i may or may not have drank tea made from a tea bag that had at one point touched his balls.

he teabagged the teabag.

You are welcome, Dan.

Jam - I told you, those teabags never touched my bag, my boxers were an appropriate layer of protection…

I feel like I am reading excerpts from a Dateline sting.

oh noes, I am feeling alot of weird “vibe” coming from this thread. ahhhhh

You said you like going ass to mouth so i never cleaned it off after it came out of your butt… Duh… You and your short memory… :smash2: /GAYVOICE




i’m in.