NYSpeeds hater awards

Here’s the deal, we need nominations. Find the post that represents the true essence of their hate. (it’s slow at work today)


oh and the more out of context, the better

you’ve got some horribly weak exmples there steve-o

I know :frowning:

FIxed/updated lol

found one

edit ew u added it to the first post

lol fixed



I have a feeling that this thread is going to fall into Anonymity (kevin says his asshole is HUGE)

j/k, he said it’s actually very small


We did this… thread sucks, you suck, I’m out





can I report my own thread for an infraction?


I have much greater hate then all them…

hmm, can i get in on this, im sure u all could find something ive hated on in the past :slight_smile:

ohh and yeah IHG FGMGFNSDNS is lame and overplayed once again

those are not even hating like… at all, i say meaner shit to my wife on a daily basis.

you just got an award, its called the badge of the dumb, it has pictures of JEG, Cavi Mike, Just Karter on it as leaders.

SRSLY they are also not beating each other like you do to your wife.

that’s what i’m saying man… this is fucking weak.

extreme hate