Listen up faggot noobs...

No one cares about your stupid, mundane stories. Someone asshole cut you off in traffic, some kids threw a bagel at your car. people drive slow in the fast lane. THANKS FOR THE NEWSFLASH BOB!

No one cares about some totally stupid project car someone is selling on E-bay. So someone lifted a monte carlo and put mud tires on it. Dont care. /yourself

You got pulled over for speeding. This must be the first time this has happened in the history of cars. Thank goodness you made a thread about it, because we are all so interested. Bonus points if you post about how big of an asshole the cop was, and how you didnt deserve the ticket even though you readily admit to doing what you got pulled over for. Especially if he let you go with a warning. Instead of making threads about this, go turn your car on in the garage and lay down next to it and take a nap.

In fact, why not just stop posting all together. Unless you’re a chick that has posted pics, and are under 300lbs (this may not apply to certain Pittspeeders, who know who they are), there’s a damn good chance that you’re just mucking things up for REAL pittspeed members.


With Love,


:rofl: x2


you are the brightest shining star in the pittspeed galaxy, we all admire your enthusiasm and positivity. what a great thread.


You forgot to mention the overpriced “car for sale ads” explaining why their vehicle is worth 2 times what NADA says because its got rims

this was directed at you

fuck you bitch


so true.

Get the fuck off of my Pittspeed, faggot.

I would, but your mom loves to read the dumb ass posts you make while she blows me.

000000000000000.00000000001 /10

multitasker eh?

A+ thread. will read again.

its soooooooo winter time.

i dont know what i would do with out pittspeed

its posts from ass bags like darkstar that make this place great

holty shut the fuck up, darkstar i dont know if you are talkin about me, but i dont post shit like that. Holty learn your fucking place, THINK BEFORE YOU POST, DUMBASS

darkstar for prez 08!

he got my vote

noob check. yes.

he’s talking about you too. now shut the fuck up

im sorry that i posted, master jackass, please diaf, you are more annoying then my girlfriend