***Attn: Pittspeed*** Read this thread

Surely you all know the story of Paul Revere and his now immortal system to warn what is now New England of the approach of the tyrannical limey bastards from the other side of the pond.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea. 3 if by rednecks in Camaros.

His words still hold true today.

I love my Pittspeed and I miss it. The soul of Pittspeed has been hijacked by certain redneck administrators. Only sometimes decipherable via the internet, these incontinent, impotent, incompetent administrators bask in the immense powers of moderation this site has bestowed upon them. Drunk with power, these delusional cockaholics rule Pittspeed with an iron fist. But I say to you this… Pittspeed is a site of the people, without them it is nothing. I’m here to say to the posters of Pittspeed… ask not what your local car enthusiast message board can do for you… but what you can do for your local car enthusiast message board.

Stand up and be counted! Let our collective voice sing loud and proud. This tyranny has gone unchecked far too long, and we’re not going to take it anymore.


  • 1 vote

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, this is no laughing matter. Pittspeed has been losing OG’s like BlueZ06 has been losing credibility/Jimmay has been losing healthy lung tissue/TJZ28 has been losing the sense of feeling in his anus (pick any one)… steadily to the point where there’s hardly any left.

This is OUR site. Do you really think that Whitey really cares what goes down on Pittspeed? As long as those 6 figure checks keep rolling in, nothing will ever change. We’ve got to really get the attention of the ruling class of this site… and since changing the closing times of bars from 2am to 9pm isn’t really a reasonable choice, I say we stand up here and voice our opinions! Speak your mind with a vote for Darkstar!


Look out here comes noeonracer01 in his third gen…

I know you are a man who is not fond of the man. May I count on your support?

Wow, pulling out all the stops with the bathtub pic! Forgot all about that one. It’s almost like thinking back to the last time you threw up, which may have been many years ago, and while quite unpleasant, it brings back memories that are discussed in a manner that have ever the slightest amount of fondness.

Ahh, the engineer has spoken. I may need your help with further upgrades to the Freedom Express. I’m worried about the structural integrity of the roof…

So, your purpose for this “election” is to throw off this hierarchy of power hungry moderators?

I’m over qualified to haul that turd of a bus.

it is to restore the dignity, liberty, and freedom to express one’s self back into Pittspeed.

The Darkstar Bill of Rights

  1. Pittspeed shall make no law respecting an establishment of faggotry, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom to bash the ever loving shit out of noobs, or the right of the people to violently assemble to beat the ass of any member who gets too far out of line.

  2. A well regulated moderator staff, being necessary to the security of a free site, the right of 1320 to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

  3. No Pittspeed’er shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, unless said house contains Eurodad’s wings… in which case all bets are off.

  4. The right of members to be secure in their posts, attachments, replies, and threads, against unreasonable locks and deletions.

  5. No person shall be held to answer for a NWS, or otherwise infamous post, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury of n00bs, except in cases arising without due process of law.

  6. In all banstick situations, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the like minded automotive tastes, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of a moderator for his defense.

  7. In suits of noobage law, where the noob in controversy shall exceed 3 days bannage, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of Pittspeed than according to the rules of the common law.

  8. Fuck the 7th amendment. Noobs are faggots that have no rights.

  9. If you post NWS material in the main forum and dont link it, Pittspeeders are allowed to come to your house and beat your ass if you get fired over it.

  10. Whitey is god. Thou shalt not worship any other gods before him.

what we lose out on as far as pay we make up for with benefits.

I never liked camaros…


I don’t know how exactly you plan to be a moderator when a certain “redneck administrators” permaban you once this thread comes to their attention.

One ? who’s the redneck administrator with a camaro?

seen it a few hours ago,im going to let the AW have his attenion for awhile!


you got my vote :bigthumb: