

i lol’d

sack rider :stuck_out_tongue:

i give great head tho.


well. i am pretty great. ha!

Thats fawking funny!

sack rider :stuck_out_tongue:

your mom called

she said youre a sack rider :stuck_out_tongue:

your dad called

and said put down the fucking cinnamon bun you fatty mcfatt fat.


I would give you props too if you did something to annoy rubicant. Its my favorite thing to do.


:rofl: I had a bad morning, lol@ at this thread

i had no idea what it meant… then i saw his post… literally lol’ed


[11:47] rubicant5x: Why do you have to be a fucker and have your location a huge URL to fuck up the site layout?

If you really want to piss rubIcan’t off…poke him with something (what you use is up to you :wink: )when he is trying to sleep.

Don’t ask how I know that :tup:

I don’t want to ask what you poked him with…


All I remember was there was large amounts of snoring coming from his corner corner of the room and no one liked it…so he needed a warning. He wasn’t too happy.

LOLOL :rofl: i can see matt getting so mad really that…he he he
