Listening to the sabres game on iPod/iPhone

Anyone know if there is a way? My radio at work gets horrable am reception and if I could use my iPod touch that would help a ton. Tried going to the WGR website to listen and the iPod won’t let me download adobe flashpoayer. I can’t finde any apps ether.

Anbody have a clue how I could do this?


Flycast Mobile Broadcast Network…in the App Store

I’ll give it a shot, thanks


Works pretty well, but is delayed about 2-3 minutes. If you load it up search by city, choose Buffalo, NY and then select WGR550

If its on a local radio station you can try to use WunderRadio in the app store. I know I can listen to WEDG on it.

Flycast worked pretty good. It was actually on my coworkers iPhone cu I forgot my password and am to lazy to find it. When we came back from lunch around 9:30 he thought the game was still on and I told him I’m pretty sure it was over. He plugged it in and it was on 2nd period lolz.

I’ll give that other app a shot to. :tup:


flycast isn’t working anymore with wgr… Not sure why.

Wunder radio cost $7 so I need to know if u can listen to wgr with the wunder radio app. Don’t wanna spend the money for nothing. Thanks

just jailbreak your ipod/phone and get it through installous for free?

I’m at work right now, I would need my comp to jailbreak it I would think. I havnt really looked into it that much, really havnt had the time.

doesnt msg offer a free iphone and BB app for this?

yes they do.

Yeah the FlyCast app is the one the promote