Little Things

Oh wait i’m stating facts. That’s right I forgot water is bad not actually its minerals and all that junk that blows your motor. HEAVY AMOUNTS of water causes hydrolock. Somple green may work i’m not sure. But i wouldn’t trust spraying chemicals into your internals.

my dad does that to the underbody of his truck before winter. he plows and salts alot so i would believe the spraying little bit of oil on the frame and shit should work

i can see purified water being ok…only if u spary a very little amount!!! and the kerosne…ive know about that and did that with my old firebird when i got it…oil was like sludge when i bought it…soo i did that…it helped out a lot…had to do it twice though!!!


it takes a hell of a lot of water to hydrolock a motor and you aint’ gonna get that out of a “spray bottle” going through an intake manifold :rolleyes: i ran two 15gal/hr misting nozzles in my throttle body last year for water injection (was running alcohol but water worked better)

dude its statments like this that make you look like a fucking tool.

Fmialy who own the pens, mansion in fayette, 150k dollar cars

STFU already.


Mystery Oil Is sold at advanced, its like PB Blaster except not in a aerosol can.

here is some info on this crap!

check this out

why,to hard to operate? :moon:

I did it and everything was fine, quit being a pussy and pour some water into the slowbra. :smiley:

yeah that way you can rust it from the inside out, but it make take a bit longer than the outside :finger:

a quart of tranny fluid cleans off the valves and pistons pretty well for me. basically its a smoke machine for a few minutes.

sunhawk is right. alittle bit of steam can help clean off the pistons. the kerosene idea makes sense, since it is originated from oil to begin with, its just a purer state of it. but after using the water it is recomeneded that you change your oil

My sisters husbands family DOES own half of the penguins i watch the games from Mario Lemiuex’s old press box.Tool. Also they have 2 mansions. One is here in Uniontown. And the other is in Florida. They have a total of 3 Lexus’s and 2 BMW’s and 1 Jaguar so sight and sound suck my dick. You are a retard and i’m not bragging bout my BROTHER IN LAWS LIFE. Just because they have more money now then you will ever make in your entire life. Go back to supping up your Cavalier. Make sure you get some bigger speakers to run faster. TOOL SIT DOWN BEFORE YOU GET A HEADACHE TRYING TO THINK TO MUCH. And if you want meet me at the track i’ll beat you with my sunbird don’t sing about your cavy bring your cavy :slight_smile:

Again you are a tool. You come back here and calm and act like you are reformed then you start with your stupid ass bullshit of “bring your cavy, sing it don;t bring it”

You better hope the fuck I don’t run into you this summer because I will make your life a living fucking hell since all you are is a fucking retard.

Chirst I have had small tifs with people like

-Any Other I may have forgoten

but when I meet them in person everything is USUALLY ok. You on the other hand havn’t shown up for a fucking thing since you got here and you run your stupid fucking mouth non stop playing the one up game. “Im not a ricer you are, now I’m going to do a 3.1 swap and talk out my ass for a year until I start talking about my 5.0 I;m going to buy when I get out of the hospital from failing at suicide”.

I DON’T PLAY FUCKING GAMES. You stupid fucking ass better show up into pittsburgh some time over the summer and run your fucking mouth to me. I will have no problem with dropping you like a bad habit you little piss-ant.

PS how many games did you watch this season and you still never gave a name of how this supposed owner is…you fucking tool…

EDIT - I just saw the speaker commnet, You are such a fucking piece of shit hypocrit. My car is built to show. Not to fucking race, if and when I build the motor and its complete I will start talking about how it performes, unlike you who does nothing but talk about how well your “IMAGINATION” Performs and you have NOTHING to show for any of your trash talk.