Little Things

I never knew this stuff I just thought it was interesting.

You can spray water into your throttle body at engine temperature and it will basically steam clean the top of your pistons. Your supposed to use a spray bottle and distilled water.

You can also take 2 quarts of oil out and add 2 quarts of kerosene in let it idle for around 30 minutes and it will clean all the junk out of your oil system.

Pointless and stupid information but I just thought it was interesting. I noticed I regained some power from doing the above. I recommend all older cars to do so it does alot of good.

Water? In the engine? :eek4:

Originally Posted by sunhawk08

You can also take 2 quarts of oil out and add 2 quarts of kerosene in let it idle for around 30 minutes and it will clean all the junk out of your oil system.

yeah you do that enough times its gonna eat something and then KABOOOOOM !

“I could really feel the 2 HP difference. Oh and what’s that knocking sound I hear now? Is that the sound of power?”

“There are only two things that are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, although I’m not sure about the former.”
-Albert Einstein.

I took a hose and turned it on in the carb of my old 62 buick. The manusl said that this was part of the decarbon process. A shitload of black smoke came out and I kept doing it until it was only white smoke. I :dunno: if it did anything but it was funny turning a hose on into a carb. The manual for that car was great, it said that if you hear tapping, to remove the valve cover and smack the rockers with a hammer until you found out which one was making the noise and sometimes this fixes it.

are you serious or are you being a jackoff. If you are serious that is fucking cool as hell… :rofl:


I wish I still had the reapir manual for that car, it was funny as hell.

I’ve never heard a hose, but I have heard stories from various old timers of slowly pouring water in to an engine to remove carbon. Also heard of the keroscene and thought about doing it to a 78 El Camino that had about 2 oil changes in it’s life and looked like it had mud caked all through the rockers and stuff. I was too scared to do it though…

damn. i’d be really nervous to do either of those :dunno:

yea, I didn’t turn the hose on full blast, but it did stall the engine a few times before it cleaned everything. maybe I was adding too much water :slight_smile:

Why would you be afraid to add keroscene, it’s just one more explosive/flammable liquid in the motor. oil and gas are flammable, you might as well add another one to the mix. :smiley:

Some of those oil-cleaning addatives smell suspiciously like kerosene.

I have heard a lot of the old timers tricks that swore by adding water. Also knew an old timer that used to fill a spray gun with oil and spray his whole car with in the spring to keep it from rusting. sometime it makes you wonder what people are thinking.

sorry but i dont trust any kind of water bein sucked into my car, and i have heard about the kerosine.

i know you guys have seen this stuff…that Mystery Oil? i seen it at a few places, me and my friends were lookin at it, it says pour some in your motor and pour some in you gas tank. what the hell is that stuff that you can pout it wherever you want?

and dont tell me its a mystery!

hydrolock anyone?

Ok I guess my friend that went to NASCARTECH who got the highest marks in his class knows nothing. And yea as soon as the water touches a normal temp of an engine it evaporates causing steam. steam removing carbon off of your pistons. You can rip on it all you want. Cause my car never ran better. Blue I didn’t say take a hose and spray till it shuts off. I said use a spray bottle and use little amounts at a time. Trust me. There is a huge gain in my car. It sounds healthier as well. And if you use purified water like i did it leaves no minerals or dirt in it or iron. Just info i picked up from my buddy and they work rather well.

Try Simple Green next time, it will work better.

Yea? chemicals? In your internals? Good idea?

I don’t know, a guy on SRTforums did it, worked out great for him. Simple Green is great for cleaning metal.

Oh wait, do you mean that you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet or that your friends tell you?