Flushing engine with trans fluid ?

I heard this was a good way to clean inside internals or spraying little water thru the brake booster to clean cylinder walls. good idea on high mileage motor ? or can i flush using synthetic oil a few times

i put water thru my last 240s motor cleaned it all out nice, and i had 500ml of trans fluid in my caprice for acouple weeks to clean it out, also did with the 240

u guys are both retarded

flush it with diesel dude

i used milk. pour it into the intake. DO NOT use 2 percent, it will destroy your shit. its gotta be 1 percent, then your fine.

there is a product we use call 5 min flush , you put it into the motor before you cahnge the oil , run the car for 5 mins and then dump the oil, it seems to be one of the sfest ways to flush the motor without going all out


your ignorance shows your lack of experiance. come back in acouple of years when you learn some new things

ino tranny fluid is used to clean out, it is mixed with something else im not sure. i guy a new had a couple of cars invovled in floods he had brought over from the states. and he used tranny fluid and a mixture of something else i cant remember. but yeah did the trick.

i use baby oil

that and a little chocolat milk, the regular mile works ok, but chocolat is like 10 times better.

^^^ lol i’ve heard allota similar tricks for engine maintainece. a mechanic told me that he uses lil braking soda mixed in the old collant when he’s flushing it, on the basis that it cleans the coolant passages very gently without the use of harse chemicals

well its said trans fluid isnt harsh on internal seals can i just mix it with a quart of engine oil ?

theres an acid called ac special that works grate, but you have to be carefull, if you mix it with the wrong thing it makes poison gass

Holy shit, a brutal raping of the English language has just occurred.


Actually, bring it to the pokemon center, i hear they heal your shit for free. plus nurse joy is a cutie.


dam i always used extra virgin olive oil ill try tranny oil tho

LMAO, you guys are hilarious!!

seriosly though, Tranny fluid has a detergent that cleans the VARNISH left by burnt oil. This is important for transmissions because varnish can build up on the clutches and cause slippage (AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS!)

With my DSM…this was my ritual.
Syn oil-4000km
-add .5L tranny fluid.
drive to CT get filter
-add 4 L of NuGold.drive 20km
add mobil 15-50 and new filter

yea, i had alot of time on my hands… i was single at the time.

now i just drive into green.ross and point at the 15 dollar oilchange sandwich board

$15 bulk oil change, filter and disposal?? That is cheap. And i thought my place was one of the cheapest.

imagin working there

only faggs work at green and ross