Flushing engine with trans fluid ?

remember that time i hopped the curb doin like 60 in cobourg?

How could i not, i was in tears it was so funny, although i cant blame you it looked like it was a street, and it was only like 300 feet of grass lol

i liked the gaurd rail smash better tho…

that guy yelling was jokes tho

LOL at your story guys about hopping curbs, whats out in cobourg ?

you are suggesting to purposefully introduce water into the combustion chamber?

… and then calling hector new?

ive asked 4 mechanics and none of them thought it was a good idea

also googled it… nothing.

care to explain?

^joke…this is Matt we are talking about lol

try it and you will see, take your hose off from the valve cover, dump a bottle of water thru it and try to keep the motor running. if i still had mine i would come out and show you in person

ky jelly for him and her by far best engine flush now why dont u hit the search button and check up shit before u make a thread

i know that trick

i think its called hydrolock.

water worked back in the day. not sure about now. thats all i really know about that

trans fluid i can only imagine would blow seals left right and center. trans fluid is a cleaning agent more or less. so it would clean but swell seals right up.
trans fluid is good in diesels with mechanical injectors. 1 liter every fill up. keeps the seals SWELLED.

buy some combustion chamber cleaner. run through main vacuum hose. oil flush. oil treatment, good to go. we have all that stuff in stock.

we call it "Top to bottom. Fuel injector cleaner (in the tank) combustion chamber service (main vacuum line) and oil flush. then add 30 for oil change and 17.95 for the treatment. No one has ever complained…nothing but compliments.

“Trans fluid i can only imagine would blow seals left right and center. trans fluid is a cleaning agent more or less. so it would clean but swell seals right up.
trans fluid is good in diesels with mechanical injectors. 1 liter every fill up. keeps the seals SWELLED.”

so thats why my talon stopped dripping oil :wink:

Water/methanol injection? :\

bitch u know who the fuck ur talking to? go ahead call me an e-thug, little faggot


Nope, i dont know, nor do i care, You obviously have no clue hence your comments.
And im pretty sure e thug never came up in this hole thread til now.

we went there to find bitches because they flock to the fireworks on canada day, after we relised they only went with the boyfriends we stopped at a gass station to let the cars cool off and the traffic die, (my sr had mad cooling problems and there was like a billion ppl there)

then we started talking to this guy, who then we found out was having a pool party, so we went to this random guys house and when no hot bitches were hopping in the pool naked we said fuck this and went drifting.

thats about it…

sorry what i meant to say was, spray mist of water so it wont hydro-lock and the steam will clean the walls

i dont have a clue? clue as to what? how u guys are fucking stupid and are making silly jokes about cleaning the internals of an engine with water , oh how funny ha ha ha , u guys fucking kill me as the hilarity ensues, no fucking clue , u kid are the one without a clue , oh and its spelt whole, not hole, but thanks for trying

dude seriously…you need to relax. like wow.

you can clean engines with water. end of discussion.

exactly, he gets all defencive when hes wrong, just doesnt want to loose face infront of his posse. high school only teaches you so much hector and obviously manners and common sense isnt one of the things on there lists.

Like i said befor, couple year. come back then start swearing again

yea water works good to clean the combustion chamber. tranny fluid works well in the oil too. stick it in about 500ml to 1L a week before you do an oil change.