noobs 2

7 mins?? for a burnout?

Give us the gist of it.

He tells you how :lol:

aparently the best was is to put hand cream on your tires

i never knew tranny oil cleans ur engine :doubt:

There’s a lotta stuff you didn’t know about. The performance industry likes to keep us in the dark. I mean, why would you go and spend big $ to port and polish your head if you knew that you can just put some fine grain sand through your intake and will do just as good, if not a better job. And all that money we waste on high performance oil caps. A regular sock from Wal Mart does the trick!

automatic burnout WHOOOOOOO!!!

i wish i were as cool as that guy.

It’s true! My father did this many times. Some how it cleans the carbon off of the valves and combustion chambers etc. Water will do the same thing.

If you ever go to do this thoguh, pour it in very slowly. You will notice that your exhaust will turn very white and smelly, but it clears up once the oil is burned away.

I use combustion to clean mine. Seems to work very well.

the dude in this video talks way too much and repeats himself constantly. dude should lay off the crack. and he repeats himself a lot. :hsugh:

does tranny fluid seriously clean your engine? lol