Little video of me on my motor bike!

or something that looks as gay as STUNTIN’

still waiting for a video of you wheelieing a sportbike?

oh youre right cause its so hard to twist the throttle and clutch it:hay: why on earth would i go out and make a video of something anyone who rides a motorcycle can do

dont get me wrong, im not deffending these guys at all, but you put up a shitty arguement

at least you posted a cool vid

yup its really easy! you have no idea what your talking about you cant wheelie a sportbike if you think you can wheelie a sportbike your wrong because I know your doing 2 ft high power wheelies for about 20ft at 80mph, not controlled balance point wheelies at a constant speed. And id be willing to bet you cant even ride a BMX bike worth a shit either because you spend all your time on the internet making fun of other peoples hobbies. Why dont you post a picture of your stamp collection so I can rip on you faggot.

ahhhhh shrives not the starboyz they were such terds when they were here

hahaha erin you are so heated i love it. bottom line is stuntin is for pillowbiters

Well it’s probably too late for this but:

haha i figured, i was gonna ask you about that…

EDIT: train wreck started on page one

stunting sucks too

Where is your video Mr. Internet sportbike wheelie guy?

dude, I rode a 80cc dirtbike from 5th grade til 9th, then got a 125cc til about 3 years ago, Iv’e had my share of motorbikes. Of course the first day you try to do a wheelie in a parking lot its hard as hell, but if you do 95 wheelies EVERY DAY it will become VERY EASY!!!..because you have done it alot. It’s nothing personal to you, its I always see these vids of people jumping around on a bike with 3psi in the rear tire…it’s kinda lame. I was talking to a guy that slid his bike sideways to a stop at the gas station at blvd&ROB, that wasn’t lame. You obviously have mastered the wheelie, seriously…LOOKS GOOD!:tup:…it seems you gonna need to move on for more respect round these parts.

Keep up the good work, try to find new angles and more interesting/daring:ohnoes: stuff…lol

wheres the said starboys vid…

will knows about wheelies…

is it as easy as “twist the throttle and dump the clutch”?

That’s exactly what NOT to do for wheelies, or any stunts for that matter.

and also it looks easy to jump around on the bike but while maintaining balance and throttle and brake control its not all that easy. If it was there would be a LOT more people doing it.

that shit at 2:10 in that flatland vid is sick, as well as 2:40, as well as 3:25

wow. its amazing. street racing a 16 sec car = lame. wow. why dont you guys autcross or do some NASA or SCCA events and learn heel toe and proper car setup. weak ass drag racers piss me off. so do un educated knobs.

lemme see if you fucks can even ride a BP wheelie under 5mph. you guys would probably feel uncomfortable just doing a 55mph standup.

generalizing that everyone on here are street racers is not a good way to defend your point. ton of dudes on here auto x, and other scca sanctioned events, and trackdays. and not that it matters, but most of the guys who’ve been giving you guys a hard time have cars considerably faster than 16 sec 1/4 mile

this thread could be about ice cream and they’d be busting your balls. they’re just fucking with you, man

but keep it up, im pretty entertained

im so in for this thread…