Local Bike! Modded by a retired GE worker.

Local Bike! Modded by a retired GE worker.
Cool guy, stoppes by my RadioShack once a week. Check out his website, he did all the work to this thing. Its a 1400CC engine w/ Turbo running 7-9lb.

not the cleanest-looking bike ever, but pretty nice.
he wants to turbo a busa for his next project though?
dude must have a deathwish.

He rode bikes for the last 45years I think he knows what he is doing.

He just can’t seem to go fast enough.

i never understood why youd get a turbo on a 'busa. i mean, youre already sittin on a bike frame with a car motor in it. to each their own i guess?

to go faster

id do it/ride it :banana

theres no way a human can handle a bike to its full potential at that point

I bet 91 b16a1 teg could :lol he’s the best bike rider in the 518 :lol

Your a bitch joe :banana

he even says he doesnt take it into high rpm’s its gotta be just soo much power

this is more your type of banana
atleast i can keep a bike off the ground

ONTOPIC: sick bike

where do you find those icons they are fucking rediculous and ive never seen them anywhere

:mwahaha MINE ALL MINE!!!http://www.rspeed.org/forums/images/smilies/hijack.gif


pro drag bikes make more power than that and humans seem to handle them just fine.


Alot of it though is finding a nut who actually wants to jump on it and do the best they can holding it straight down a drag strip for 4 seconds and hope to god they don’t spill! Those things make a ton of power. I know there is skill behind what they are doing but you just have to think that it seems like their basically just hangin on for the ride.

if may seem like they are just hanging out for the ride, but its obviously way more than just that.

Those guys have to have skill because those bikes are crazy fast…im pretty sure not just anyone can do that…but back to the topic props to that guy for building it himself and not just buying a kit

he rides around in the summer hes a really nice guy to boot