Local wheel polishing?

Any local places that do chemical stripping and polishing of wheels? (In my case wheel centers). I have a place in AZ that’ll do them for $300 (for 4), but they are a bit slow on the turn around so I’d prefer to use someone local.

Post pics of wheel centers. It cost me about $50 in materials to Strip/polish 4 wheels.

Yeah, I polished one myself already. It’s such a pain in the ass removing the old powdercoat and polishing them though that I dont WANT to do it. That’s why I’m looking for a professional.

One last bump before I just ship these out to have them done.

Pm eurotrsh or if you’re face book friends with dan Hagen ask him. I know he just had a set of wheels
Done somewhere around here

This one of things, send it to the guys who do it daily or know what they are doing. I have done some of my Own stuff, along with a couple fuel tanks. It alot of work and can be tricky. Im not even aware of a place local that does it. Send them out, spend the money and get it done right the first time.

Oh, yeah, no doubt about getting it done right. But if there was a local place that does this professionally I’d be more than willing to stay local. I’m not cheaping out on $3k wheels lol.

I know FinalGTS has a place locally do some of his stuff.

I believe it is djs metal polishing

(716) 822-1904

someplace like fabweld can probably give you a good local recommendation.

Try John Mallia @ 716.818.2210

Nope… not who I use. I have never used that guy. My guy is a jobber/wholesaler only, doesn’t really like walk-ins.

OH WRD lol

I ended up shipping my stuff to California as anyone local wanted an absurd amount of money to get what I needed done. Ended up being cheaper and I was extremely happy with the result.