LOCKED THREADS! COMMUNISM! And late night banter.

i got ya kid :thumbup

Why not rename and move to battlefield?

Everyone tries to save the Failvis Runaway Trainwreck when its just getting good.


You lie, you’ll totally still go. I’m down for hookers and blow in whatever craphole we find one in.


hookers and blow im in ,when we goin

Chicago, Miami, middle of nowhere, dunno yet.

Miami is a must

Mother fucker I will be rolling on 22’s all blacked out. Bitches will be moist

ExACTLY, you could pick up skanks anywhere with that thing.

Not when its fucking 14 degree’s in Chicago with 43mph wind gusts. They wont leave their houses

Not with that attitude they wont.

Miami it is

arent 22,s taller than you ???:lol

Pfft. And people say we need a chatbox on the forum…

I will Paypal $5 to the first person who posts a picture of Sean inside one of Jay’s rear wheels.

Jvg had a pic of me inside a 26 some where

I didnt really fit in it that well. A 28 would have been sweet

I dont care if its roomy inside for you to move your living room set in, I just want a picture of you inside.

Then video of a burnout.


Not happening.Naow buy Florida trailer