LOCKED THREADS! COMMUNISM! And late night banter.


This is bull shit


Fuck this shit

Im doing rolling burn outs naow

i know who prolly

same here.

This thread offends me. Please lock it, I just cant take all the free speech anymore.

I cant take your face

We know, you’ve tried.

And please also lock every thread where Kramer says he’s buying a BMW.

my penis hurts

bmw fanbois are gay

I want to go to florida. Jesse did you buy a fucking trailer yet

Kramers giving the actual BMW fanbois a bad rap.

No buttface, I found another in Chicago tho. I hear it’s beautiful there this time of year.

oh is this why the exp is gettin work jess

It was a for sale thread, that after discussion and straightening of the facts was no longer for sale.

Since it was no longer for sale, it gets locked and moved to vault like everything else.

:rofl i was gunna make this thread. :rofl

Yet another thread turned into a travis thread.

yeahhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiii

Nah we’re talkin man trailers. Like only for Jay’s dually.

Expos getting fixed because the blue car is sold and I’ll be daily’ing it for a few weeks til I find something else.

And because it needs some love. BTW, forgot to mention there, anything else you find, please make note of. I haven’t been under it in awhile. You da man.

Fuck that. Unless its warm with beaches I refuse to go