LOCKED THREADS! COMMUNISM! And late night banter.

And only 1 beer.

Ok, im good for FL trip now…found this little 601whp dime peice lol


Oh man a ford towing a ford. Sweet

Whoa now, we dont need him that far over the limit driving the rig home.

Yea really. I had enough beer saturday night any way

what ya have 3-4 little man ?did ya puke to

Is a ZIMA less alcohol? :lol:

I kept double fisting cause people kept buying me more. And no puking for me Saturday, Sully on the other hand

he would add skittles

I thought it was less?

I have a Smirnof Raw Tea in my fridge some chick left here a year ago?

Allan will drink it

w/o roofiez?

I’ll drink it, I’m not adverse to it, I just wouldnt tell you guys that I did. :shifty

Shirley Templez?

Those are delicious

Freakin love Shirley Temples. Anyone who doesnt is a terrorist.

I support that statement

At a recent wedding, I had to drive so I had like 2034042920942094 Ameretto Sours. Delicious.

I’m going to sleep.

You guys have fun and stay out of trouble.


Jesse did you have a Hawaiian punch shot? They were awesome