LOCKED THREADS! COMMUNISM! And late night banter.

You wont buy it any way. Maybe cossey will pick up that car he was talking about at lunch the other day and we can tow it home

oh your car’s not a vert?

“Off of” would imply your lips left.

But, you killed it with your next line.

Somebody’s not up on his SP.

Yea Shawn benny is in college now so he is the smartest

Now Benny looks foolish!


Lmao wtf

More Miami party talk

I think I might have a pic of Sean inside a rim, or at least something circular…

you paint the roof black i will steal your keys:shifty

sean got 90% of his body in my cat’s house, but its a moderately obese cat

fact: dirty booogers are more nutritious.

I mustve missed something because Ive got no clue what this thread is about.

I dont think she was to happy either. Although the cat cant even get to the top on her own…poor sally

What college?!


That’s grade 12.1.


What’s everybody up to tonight?