lol @ Apple

apple should be lol’ed at always…

ughh sigh…

.asp is a MS Server language…

where did the whole asmallworld conversation come from? was that one of the tabs that was blurred out?

And it hardly seems so exclusive if DrDos is on it.

this post finally got it right.

omg! well before

then we go on to discuss how customersat pretty much isn’t apple. So its not Apple using .asp its some other company apple uses…

even if it was apple’s own site, apple doesn’t have any server scripting languages of their own. so obviously they are going to have to go elsewhere for it.

no but you could use a linux based server and run other languages…its just funny because whoever does actually host that site is using a windows based server

Which is really funny since windows makes it easier for that entry level person to support it

In correct… with the purchase of NeXT Apple acquired WebObjects

Which is a quite a formidable solution from what i have read and looked at too bad it only runs on os x.

damn it beat me too it