I "lol"'d




walter, you suck, give up trying to be cooler then everyone else.

tough guy!!!

awww, you have a friend!


I lol’d too, at both of you

Wow, taking your meatheadness to PMs… a whole new level of meathead is born… THE CLOSET MEATHEAD!


i got one too :bowdown:

my reply

lol wtf

dumb thread. needs to be closed


what in the fuck is wrong with kids these days?


I called the both of you out so now every one knows. :thankyou:

So no need to be pussies anymore.



LOL at Arbitrary arrow, pointing somewhere…

about = alot?

Lets recap a few things.

You are so stupid, one of the biggest examples of internet douchbaggery was barely legible. Sentence structure that makes no sense, poor punctuation, and random capitalized letters in the middle of the sentence (if you can call it that). It amazing you even made it out of ITT tech, but hey, taking 6 years after high school graduation to get an associates degree doesn’t really set very high expectations I suppose.

You are trying to rag on me for looks, yet personally look like you got lost on your way back to Long Island after a night of clubbing.

Not only that, but the only tail you can pull is a girl that is 6 years younger than you (at age 25). I’m sure women your age (you know, with jobs and stuff) are just so overwhelmed by your great looks, intelligence and smooth talking, that they are just too intimidated to approach you.

And to top it off, you claim I am a “homo”, yet I’m the one with a woman my own age who is beautiful, intelligent and oh yea…. who happens to be an attorney.

You are right, my life is full of fail and AIDS and I am jealous. You clearly have it all, and all of us could only wish to achieve your level of perfection. Keep your spirits up tiger, with 6 strong months under your belt, I’m sure the constant “I love you cuties” to your little love muffin will keep her around for years.