God NYSpeed needs this


The moran is strong on this forum.

youre a fucking idiot


ha nice.

damn grammar nazis…

fixed to reflect 99% of your posts

fixed to reflect 99% of your posts

I agree, but you would have already lost points for the title of this thread, and the fact that you spelled “Moron” incorrectly.


I think he is trying to be funny, because he is spelling it that way recently.

I wouldnt put sheer stupidity past him though

Are you really that stupid? I mean srsly.


^First time I have seen somebody picard themselves.
EDIT: 2 posts up.

:picard: * 987349857398475984375398475345

You remind me of one of those self righteous douche bags on AM radio. “I’m right, and you’re wrong.” Which just means he’s a retard full of hot air…

01AudiS4 is probably a more worthwhile person than walter…


Listen little lady; go back to the hole you crawled out of. No one shares your opinion. Just because your sad little existence fell apart when you found out I don’t love the cock in the same way that you do, doesn’t mean you still can’t be a contributing member of society. So study up, because some day you’ll make some guy really happy, I’m sure you’d be a great power bottom if you ever moved out of Buffalo. I know you can’t handle it, but just go back and read the last thread you tried to stir this pot in. It doesn’t work. I’m cocky because I’m not a dumb motherfucker such as yourself, and could care less about giving strokeoffs to faggots on the internet. Its funny how its only whiney little bitches like yourself that fight these fights. Don’t you think that if you were right, and had a point, I wouldn’t be around any more? I’ve found my IL a great place for stupid as shit cock lovers to hang out, so enjoy your stay there with RG4L.






And my favorite


Is that truly all you can come up with?

And I live in buffalo because I go to school here :bloated:

I have probably the highest salary of my graduating class, have been working a job for a month, and am already being looked at for a substantial promotion.

I can make money in buffalo, and I think theres something to be said for that…

So, you can take your 2nd grade “yer gay” response and shove it up your ass…

and its funny that only whiney little bitches like yourself actually engage in arguments with such lame responses…

walter, youre dumb.

Please don’t quote that :wink:

Most of these came up as the same post. Not sure if it was an error on my end though.
