Rolling Thunder... lol

Oops… tranny is slipping a little.

OK, now its slipping more. :frowning:

At least I can finish the tire off a little.

And putter down the track… 104 trap - babying it. :slight_smile:

Nice… lol…

If they ever bother to put an lsx motor in one of those tanks they might actually have something worth looking at.

I’d take this “toy” back to the store, it looks defective

They have an LS2/LS3 out.

Is that because it doesn’t have a penis? Sorry Walt… I ordered one without the dick. I have my own.

Just seems like you like rolling thunder…thighs…“lol”…

^haha. Well played.

Sorry… not into skinny guys either. If you have some more time on your hands… which it seems like you do, I have other photobucket albums you can troll. I know you’re so interested in what I have to share…

Jealous much? Share some pics of your boyfriend… I bet he is cute, just like you!!!

Do you have a little dog too? Something you boys can shop with?

You know, they say the guys that throw around the “gay” insults are the ones most often still on edge about coming out. Perhaps we should see if Corey has some advice for you?

And since you are a moron, I’ll explain that simply clicking on your link, in this thread, to watch your craptastic video, shows that photo. Stop being such a :tantrum:

Actually guys who bring other people’s wives into a thread for no other reason than making fun of her are fags. Not necessarily the homosexual type, more the type of fag who knows he can sit behind a keyboard like a homo and insult anyone he wants because I’m too far away to do anything about it.

You wouldn’t even look at her wrong in my presence… so why try to be a hardass online? Aren’t you one of the losers on here always preaching to not be a hardass on the internets? Now you’re going to go out of your way to pick on someone who hasn’t done anything wrong to you? And you can’t even defend yourself by posting pics of your boyfriend/significant other? And state why they are superior to my wife? I pick on your girl only because she is dumb enough to involve herself with such a fucking coward, like you, Walter.

As far as Corey goes, my wife thinks he is a great guy, and so do I. Haven’t seen him in a while… wouldn’t mind hanging out with him again…

If you were a man, you wouldn’t bring shit like that up. So, quit being a pussy and keep your mouth shut… because you’re embarassing yourself. Go hang out at one of your own local forums… where you have people there that like you for who you are (hahahha)… not like on here, where there are a select few idiots who like you for your internet persona… and the masses that dislike you because you’re such a douche.

wow walter this is a new low for you, and that is saying a lot

walter is a sad little angry man

ughhhh, :picard: :tdown: walter

And not that I have to, but in her defense, it was cold and she is weraing layers in that pic. lol.

Believe me when I say… she ain’t skinny (cause I hate skinny chicks)… but I can still pick her up with one hand and she looks great naked :wink:

Even if she was bigger than me, you still don’t talk shit like that. Pisses me off more than anything…

:tup: I would do Jacks wife :lol:

And the bike is sweet :tup: :tup: needs more LS1

ive never met either of these people, bu ti would much rather hang out with jack and his gf then walter and his bf.

but really though jack, i see where youre coming from… love the thick girlies too

oh and walter is a faggot

and i like corey, havent seen him in a while

thx 4 lstng fggts


Bike rules.

Nice wifey. :smiley:

whoa…i saw this thread the first day and it was great! Nice vids!

walter… why must you shit up this thread. Thats the type of talk that gets your ass beat in person. So incredibly un-classy.

i think he actually realized he fucked up, otherwise he would still be going until the thread was locked/edited