Rolling Thunder... lol


Get in line… I’m married now… so everyone is waiting :slight_smile:

Thanks guys… no biggie. :newman:

for what its worth, if newman made the same comments walter did everyone would be roflcoptering x53225423 and joining in.

come on, you know me better than that.

I’m sorry, she was so clearly labeled as your wife, and not in the “toys” category. I clearly fucked that one up. From now on, I will assume every woman in a photo gallery of vehicles is the originators wife… I can see how I fucked that up.

You wouldn’t even look at her wrong in my presence… so why try to be a hardass online?

I would say exactly the same thing given the same circumstances. Quite frankly, you are the one trying to be “hard” in this thread, not me. Why is it my fault that you posted photos on a public forum that you are so sensitive about? “You wouldn’t say that to my face” is such a played out response, even the biggest 7 year olds out there know it hardly commands respect.

Aren’t you one of the losers on here always preaching to not be a hardass on the internets?

No, I preach that people should keep their mouths shut as to not to let people know how dumb you are. A concept lost on many NYSpeeder’s who continually show they can’t read.

Now you’re going to go out of your way to pick on someone who hasn’t done anything wrong to you?

Was saying that the “toy” in the “toy” image gallery really that offensive? Seriously?

And you can’t even defend yourself by posting pics of your boyfriend/significant other?

And here is the epitome of this thread. You have such low confidence in yourself that your defense of a originally very harmless comment, results in you digging up the worst insult you can seem to come up with… “You’re gay”. I don’t know I would expect much more from you than to show your ignorance and biggotry. I’m sure you, and the hypocrits defending you right now, would probably curicfy me had I used the word “chubby chaser” yet somehow you think it perfectly appropriate to use someones sexual orientation as a derogatory insult. On top of that, why would I post pictures of my significant other? With half a brain you could find them yourself, but that would imply you had half a brain. I love that you keep implying that I should have known that was your wife… I’m as surprised you were able to get married as your parents were.

As far as Corey goes, my wife thinks he is a great guy, and so do I. Haven’t seen him in a while… wouldn’t mind hanging out with him again…

Most of my gay friends love it when people use fag and gay as an insult, I’m sure you guys are thick as thieves.

If you were a man, you wouldn’t bring shit like that up.

Again, where did I bring anything up? A simply play on 2 labels that YOU placed on the group of photos “toys” and “thunder”. If you are so insecure that it sends you in to a fit of rage then quite frankly you must be the “small man” because if you weren’t worried about it, you wouldn’t have bothered trying to act all “hard” on an internet forum, to defend yourself to you supposedly care very little about? Seems like to even the most casual observer you are both awfully defensive about something you really shouldn’t be, and quite concerned about what a bunch of people on the internet think.

Go hang out at one of your own local forums…

This is always so fucking stupid to me. I know more people on this forum IRL than probably 90% of its members. Guess what, most of them still talk to me :omgosh: Why not spew the same crap at the dozens of other original members that have been around since the beginning and have long since left the area but still participate in the board.

Anyway. I think its back to the IL for you, I can’t say that I’ve seen an interesting thread come from you… well… ever. Save your key strokes on a response, unless you really are just that concerned about looking “hard” on a forum.


My point exactly. Jack has always been hard for me :sario:

newman wouldn’t dare. He lives within reach.

Or does he?

Yeah… sure… thats innocent :roll2:

Yup… you didn’t have any idea…

Actually, asshole, you posted the pic. I posted videos… this is the motorcycle section.

This thread is about motorcycles… not something you’re willing to admit.

I’m proving you don’t have the balls to post pics of your wife… but you do to post pics of mine. Thats a lack of sack. I don’t snoop in other people’s photobuckets… I have no reason to. If they wanted it posted… guess what… they would post it. I could post better pics of her… but there really isn’t any reason to. I could post worst pics too, but I don’t want you to get turned on.

OMG!!! You have gay friends!!! You probably have black friends too… SHHH don’t upset them wiht black jokes… they are a deprived race…

It is clear to me (and everyone else) that you brought it up. You’re so caught up in your own thoughts you can see the obvious. I don’t know what a “simply play” is… but I do know for a fact that the pic you posted had nothing to do with thunder… and the post had nothing to do with toys.

The links I had were in my toys album… and thunder was one of the clips. Don’t be a coward and try to make it sound like you didn’t try to hurt someone by posting what you did. Admit it, you fuck.

Yup… the ones who know you so well are ashamed at you. What a coincidence.

Yeah, do me a favor. Put me back on the IL… permanently, and keep out of my threads. There is no reason for you to be in Gen Auto… we have a section for unwanted douchebags don’t we?

Actually you’ve always been a bitch… and I don’t like that. So, yeah, when you come into my thread and cry out for attention… it upsets me. People like you make me feel better about myself.:wiggle:

Sweet vids Jack! I always like seeing the bike sitting at work. Best looking bike I’ve ever seen.

Cheryl said it was nice to see you guys again. She likes talking to the wife.


great vids once again. new clutch yet?

Its an automatic… so its not as easy as replacing one clutch… but several. And the converter.

Oh well.
