look at this homo

sweet jesus… i think i may need to take you under my wing or something, 7 years is long enough for acceptable suicide

not such a big issue to me really

commmmee onnn… its the basis of human existence, unless your… yah know… a fruit

i think he needs bonesteel more than i do

Im definately not gay.

I dont even know what that is

hahaha yesssss

PJB- If you buy a bottle of vodka for this girl, you could fuck her easily

Which reminds me,

2 weeks until Siena starts.


Im not really one to do that kind of thing though.

I want in

ya know what ,as i was in the shower touchin my wang .all these peeps on shift lettin notorius know how big ,burly, and sexy i am .i came to a conclusion now let me know if im wrong but i think im NOTORIUS around here

… she fucked four guys in a week

lmmfao cool take my name ill be "themanyouwishyoucouldbe "


That sucked…

link to your myspace?

noobs always want to fit in

So is notorious 6’ deep yet or what?? :lol

him and dickedtodicks are plotting something big…

john, dont feed into it, let him be retarded. dont waste your time.