Looking for a D-series motor or cheap B-series

Hey guys, ok I just got a civic cx and it has that crappy d15(slow as shit).
So im looking for ether a d16z6 or y8 motor to be on the cheap side or if you have a b18 you just need to get rid of for cheap. I will take it off your hands.


sent PM

pm sent as well

i have a z6 tranny and z6 head if you would be interested ill sell as a nice combo deal…shoot me a pm if interested

i want to use my cx tranny but i sent you a pm on the head

pmd back

im really just looking for a d16y8 and d16z6 now no b series

here you go:

yea i saw im affraid of the miles im looking for dependable i drive to ohio about every other weekend about a 2 1/2 hr straight.