looking for a radio trim s14

like the title states, Im looking for it, mine was plastic welded, and they did a SHIT job at it. obviously not cracked or repaired, want one with no damages.

Buy Shawns?



Come to Whitby tonight

shawn is being gay, and actually using his, he says he wants it, vat is happenin at whitby

What did the dealership say?

Nothing is happening here, so come down.

^ Dealership is $75 new

shawn said, if i can mold him something close to the trim that will hold switches, hes good and he will give me his trim. for me to do that i need a heat gun and plexi glass, I thought the heat gun was on sale for like 10 bucks at CT, but its actually 32.99 + tax. so that idea is put off till the heat gun is on sale again.

as for the dealership, they gave me a price of $ 65 + tax

^ You wont mold plexiglass in that shape and have it look remotely good.

Get some fiberglass, make a mold on his using a release agent and then pour some epoxy resin into the mold and you will get something of a lot higher quality, sand, paint, clearcoat. It will look amazing.

nt really mould it per say, but like make it fit in tht empty space

Kind of like MOULD to the space?

lol spelling mistakes FTL, I guess in a way, FABRICATING it???

GLWS. lolololololololololol

i have radio trim and climate surround in mint condition

^^ Do that or. I would just grab a new one for $65 thats pretty good.