looking for an OBD2 b18c block

You better add another shot to the lt gun haha

i has 2 now …how many do i need sir

unless ur trapping 130+ you might wanna make it a 3 or 4 shot clip :wink:

Yeah word. Spray the balls of that bish

you just wanna see my balls drop dont ya ? its ok next time i see ya ,ill show ya what they look like lololol


he was joking, but those who can’t afford to build one…would hate. 700+whp on stock sleeves…BOSS.


Hell yea. If I do another civic its gonna be a turbo k.

Who said he couldnt afford one?

5000 for a tranny isn’t cheap… but absolutely necessary unless he wants to be rebuilding a stock tranny every weekend

forget it

Joey whats up with you bashing on us? Should we all be like you and buy 4 door civics with a kswap? and what is wrong with our DA’s? are they not up to your standards? If so, I will so ditch my integra and buy a 4 door!!!
