Discount Tire Direct is out of stock, had them backordered, but Faulken is out.
Vulcan Tire gave me the same story.
But I found them, at https://www.edgeracing.com/
I talked to a guy in sales, they bought EVERY 615 FAULKEN HAD IN STOCK.
They have something like 450+ in the 205/50/15 that I needed.
So if you’re looking for them, that’s where they all went.
At least they have good prices.
thats where i got mine :tup:
I got mine there too. :tup:
i got mine from discounttiredirect cuz when you add the cost of shipping to edgeracings prices, it completely evens out.
gotta get mine mounted monday actually.
I get mine from a store around here, that keeps them in stock.
well if i told you…
you’d buy them all up.
and i wouldn’t have them be in stock for me anymore…now would i?
O i know…swervemotorsports? because I know he has some azenis 615’s in there right now in that size…
Oh i’d buy all the tires that don’t fit my car. you know me too well. haha.
mike (innovative) usually has some in stock. did you try calling him?
call him at home… at like 2am, he likes that shit. do it like 3 times, but hang up the 1st 2 times… he thinks its funny.

If edge racing was able to buy all of the stock that Falken has, that is horrible business on Falken’s part.
Great way to lose distributors.
Mike isn’t selling them anymore. He was the first guy I emailed because that’s where I got my first set.