Looking for seats for an S13

Just like the title says, I am looking for seats. Stock or aftermarket, just need something reasonable for my daily driver.

i have my stock leather (biege) they have normal wear. give them both to you for $100. i can probably even deliver them to you on saturday when i go up to hamilton/gurlington area anyways. let me know

S13a seats, normal wear, $80

What color are your seats TM? A|Where are you located?

S13a seats, normal wear, $75
grey. mississauga


Whitby, but I go to RH and Markham often…

i have 2 pairs of 1990 s13 seats

blue or grey

grey ones are mint blue ones have normal ware and tare.

blue ones $50

grey ones $80

Thanks for the reply guys, I wanted to see if anyone had some after market ones available as well.

i got a sparco sprint blue junior $250 mint shape

avery sliders? S13?

I want seats that recline. Not just a sport or racing bucket.

no racing bucket?

sparco rev, red, with sliders for s13.
good condition

I am seeing mostly 89-90 S13 stuff, I want the seats that came with my car (1992) does anyone have at least a drivers seat or matching pair of S13 (1991-1994) in grey.

Thanks guys

mine has no slider

its in amazing condition however

Thats cause the 89-90 seats are better.

Avery, What do you want for it. What year car is it ouf and color. I have sliders on the seats in the car so that should be okay. Do you have the pair?

Thanks for the tip there SYD_MYSTA

Glad to be of service. Those are also all the seat I have for possible sale.

anyone have a set of grey s13 leathers in good condition? pm me