Looking for this turbo flange ***

My turbo has a t6 dual volute, therefore i’d like to use a divided flange, because i heard if you don’t, divided turbos tend to stress crack in the center casting via supraforums…


i stumbled upon this, and was wondering if anyone sells a quality divided t6 flange with two formed pipes individually tig’d to it. OR, where i could find 2.5" pipe formed to the same shape



to follow up, i can handle forming two 2.5" pipes into one into the flange no problem. but i kind of like this idea to split of the pulses perfectly, hence the divided housing. i could do it, but finding something prebuilt would make my life easier

Time for the vise, oxy/ace torch, and a BFH

JBweld…but seriously, I have nothing.

im more interested in a ace tank and a .45 cal in a field!

but, just wondering if there is anything out there. if there is, its probably needlessly expensive anyway…but figured i’d give it a shot

turbonetics sells the flange i beleive, if you have access to a mill and a press make the die and press it into the pipe to swage it correctly. That’s all you need :slight_smile:

meh…screw it…ill just make my own. its not worth paying stupid money for one when i can do it myself.

although, the flange i got is 3/8". im not going to risk it. im trying to find a threaded 1/2" divided t6 mild flange if anyone knows of one for a GOOD price. lowest so far is $40


i payed $12 shipped for my 3/8" flange. i will probably use it to stage the turbo during fab.


lol. gary, thats the exact same picture, and your site wants $20 more!! :lol:

oh well pay to play sucka…

your store doesn’t have thickness… probably 3/8ofashit lol


oh well pay to play sucka…


i dont think youre understanding me though. the flange you showed (and i appreciate your help), is the exact same as the one i pictured from a different site. they use the same picture. the one site wants $20 more :lol: :bloated:

there is so much money to be saved by finding the good sites :slight_smile:

maybe they copied atp picture?

maybe you’re right. they didnt have a thickness labeled. but they did use the same picture. obviously thats not something to gauge off of

well maybe ATP copied their picture damn it !




i win buy it now… stainless yo

mc-motorsports is where i got my 3/8" divided untapped t6 flange for $12 shipped…

the site i posted above has it in 1/2" tapped for $24 :slight_smile: