Looking to play Men's League Hockey

My buddy and I are looking to join a men’s league team for ice hockey this summer. It doesn’t really matter what division/skill level, just as long as it isn’t the best league. My friend has been playing for a couple years now. I’m a college hockey goaltender looking to play out as a forward for some fun. So we’re both decent players. If anyone’s got a team together and is looking to pick up a couple of extra players, please reply in the thread or PM me ASAP. I know it’s getting late to find a team to play on. Thanks!!!

I would be interested also. Actually Im looking just for some ice time to skate and shoot around. I havent played since high school.

oldford; how old are you/what level hockey did you play?

if u guys find anything let me know i am very intersted as well…hopefully its a decent league tho…

damn, i need to lace the ol’ skates back up. Havent touched my equipment since about 4 months after i left for college in 00’ for a reunion game.

only being off skates for 4 months and could barely skate anymore, lol.

rochester or buffalo?

There are so many people who want to play hockey, its funny that its so hard to find teams/leagues. :gotme:

mike; if you can’t find anything contact ron nowakowski, his number is on holidays website;
holidayrinks.com. he can probably put you 2 somewhere


Thanks Dre!! I’ll probably end up calling him before the week is over unless things change.