Looking toborrow a Trailer

nothing happend. getting retuned

post up results dommmmm

The car ran perfectly fine with the current tune. Why not drive it to the dyno like he has been driving it all the time?

:facepalm :retardclap

spot… blownnnnnnnn

note to everyone, if you want something on the DL for a little bit, do NOT share with “20wrx09” aka Corey Loudmouth!

no problem kiid:thumbup

wow man, not your car, don’t worry about it.

This forum is gay when people hide shit and have little girlie middle school secrets.

same could be said for you… no?

id love to see a screenshot of your timing tables and boost chart… to compare it to the tune in my old car. pm me if you want to keep things on the DL. good luck… oh and whos tuning it?

nah, it’s supercool to keep hellasecrets. gotta keep the haterz guessin!

Why? So you can consider his dyno numbers your own? I don’t think he’ll have a 7000% correction factor.


I agree 100% , it’s so lame. Like people care.

and :rofl @ Cossey

You guys say this stuff “like people care”, but you obviously do if you comment on it & make it a point to make a big deal about it. So what if someone doesn’t want everyone to know everything that’s going on? Who the fuck cares, keep to yourself & the people who know, know, and the people who don’t…obviously there’s a reason.

OP has no idea who 75% of the forum is, so why would he just share every detail about what he’s doing. When you have people like the newest member “noboost35r”, and possibly other sketchy lurkers, I personally wouldn’t want to share either. You also notice people come out of the woodwork to find out what’s going on, Example: Shady. Dude hates and hates and hates on OP(skateshelter), then there’s something going on with his STI, first one to ask multiple times “what’s going on with it”. I know quite a few share my view as well, so you guys can keep bashing about ZOMG MIDDLE ZCHOOL SECRETZ http://smiliesftw.com/x/rollseyes.gif

Joey, why do you get so angry?

:rofl jk

Not angry at all, 110% relaxed right now. Just explaining to the people who “don’t care”, but yet make it a point to comment on someone keeping their business to themself, or “their secrets” as they said.

Who made a big deal about it? I posted once sentence. IF someone doesn’t want someone to know then don’t tell anyone? It’s common knowledge. Take track times for example… it’s fucking lame to post someone elses track time, especially if it was their best, or something really fast.

Exactly what I’m saying. Same goes for getting tuned(OP), he didn’t want to broadcast that he was getting tuned, so he could come back with the numbers and share if he wanted.

Yea, I agree with you but people come on here all butthurt that someone told someone else about their new APC intake. Who gives a fuck. :rofl