Lot Tonight


Its part of a Nismo package… I didn’t ask but I’m sure Cossey knows if it’s just the vinyl or if it is indeed an S-Tune (if I’m not mistaken the S-Tune is an orange stripe and the R-Tune is a red stripe?).

whats faster.,…this or the 996?

Damn, there’s something you don’t see everyday.

The 996

For now, the RB26 is so easy to push impressive numbers out of… not like it isn’t right now.

Tune the NOS timing and it’ll run 9’s…

fool when are you going to bring your quad up…to the track or hit up some sick trails?

Haha, sometime soon now that my car is broke :lol

theirs some sick trails in mechanics ville that I want to go too but I dont have any friends locally that ride quads anymore lol

Don’t forget vteCH engagement.

Let’s keep it on-topic, boys.

Pipe down up there ^^ :lol

I want to hit trails too. Im not into jumps and shit but I like trail riding.

this makes me lol.

“i put up the 85lb dumbells today for 10 reps!”

Travis, u are Mr. taking the thread off-topic. :thumbup

I’ll bring my bike with me. I’m up for riding but never have anywhere to go, so it just sits in my garage :frowning:

i want to run this firday from a dig. sexy car

hahaha +1, my first race ever was against that beast

omfg skyline!!!

he wanted to be a lil like the fizzle