I took this straight from my Evom fs thread no editing
I’m in the process of a build on my Evo and want to clear out what I have laying around. Prices do not include shipping via UPS or Paypal and I might be flexible.
My zip code is 14304 if you’d like to figure out shipping. I can ship out Tuesday-Friday at the moment on all the parts pictured here…

^not sure why that picture is so small but it’s a stock 5 speed shifter and air box
OEM shifter- $50
OEM rubber intake- $40
OEM MAF sensor. Sensor in great shape not bent, couple fins on the back are bent but not bad, I can take more pictures at any time. Perfectly working MAF- $90
OEM radiator- $100
Vibrant air box delete (filter needs cleaning) but in decent shape- $70
OEM downpipe (evo 8)- $70
OEM air box with intake scoop (a bit faded from sunlight and missing one screw where it bolts to MAF)- $40
Evo 9 metal blow off valve- $90
OEM intercooler piping (missing some couplers)- $40
1 front KYB strut (other leaks), 2 rear KYB shocks no leaks- make offer
Next set of parts are in the process of coming off the car so if people are interested, everything should be off by the end of the weekend.
First, OEM injectors and fuel rail
OEM injectors- $90
OEM fuel rail- $90
I will also be selling my complete AC system, condenser, fan, cooler, lines etc that is in GREAT WORKING ORDER, freezing cold. I’m not sure on the price yet I have to do a bit of research but here’s a pic, feel free to make an offer for now
The OEM O2 housing is on it’s way off now, make an offer.
I realize that picture sucks, when the AC system is out of the car I will have better pictures and a price, I just figured I’d list it now while I’m at it. I ship from work (Harley-Davidson). I’m sure I’m missing some stuff so I’ll be editing this with more parts within the next few days.
Feel free to make offers, worst I can say is no. Thanks for looking.