LQQK what i pickup thursday

a ford WTF!!! haha jk, that trucks really nice, i like the HD editions alot, congrats :slight_smile:

Looks good except for the blue oval


Looks nice!

Now he can tow his rolling chassis with matching color style-z

you finally bought a nice automobile, congrats :bigthumb:

Iā€™m digginā€™ it. :bigok:

pick it up tomorrowā€¦filed all the paper work today

first trip on friday

so when are we racing? my 7.3 against your 6 ho

Well? you get it yet?

I got itā€¦runs great but had to replace the coolant pressure cap tonight

thanks cheeko :bigthumb:

pics w/ penny

at least itā€™s a ford?

wheres the pics

he took it to richmond for the nascar race this weekend. Its a super nice truck I went for a ride in it last nite. It kicks the shit out of my 7.3

nice truck. my father has a van with the 7.3 and it has been nothing but problems. congrats on the 6-0

when did u get a 7.3

when brian couldnā€™t find me a duramax

my dad has both and the 6.0 definatly runs better, but that does not mean it dosent have as many problems as the 7.3, I would say the 7.3 would be more dependable.