LS1 & 4L60E w/ PCM & Harness (complete swap)

They are usually around 1400rpm

^thanks for the info…new price $2400 b/o for everything.

damn… any idea on shipping?

pm sent

last price drop for the sake of making room in the garage to actually park a car. $2000 FIRM. :jawdrop: not a penny less.

smoking deal :tup:

I’m intrested in this, but with the way things are looking I wont be able to afford it until after christmas :frowning: I know ill miss the boat by then.

lol yah probably.

I wish I wasn’t buying a house and had a project car to plop this into. I’d go with a 4L80E though as I wouldn’t leave it in stock goodness form. GL I’ll tell some friends.

engine is pending sale :snky:

transmission still available though.