LSD Trip Experiment

i thought this was kind of interesting. make sure to follow through all nine drawings and read their time frame.

These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD – part of a test conducted by the US government during it’s dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950’s. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him

Hahahah pretty cool!


Patient makes the last half-a-dozen strokes of the drawing while running back and forth across the room.

The label on every dose of this should read:

A psycho-neutral environment and a sitter is extremely important if you choose to become a psychonaut. This substance is not fit for casual or habitual use, nor for the mentally or emotionally unstable. Use with extreme care.

1 and 8 are coherent. Drawing 6 is rather interesting. The rest look like the scribblings of a mad man.

mmmmmmmm LSD… :hs:

wild stuff, I didn’t realize the effects of that shit lasted so long

LSD leaves a person not feeling completely “normal” for days after the trip’s over.

Very powerful drug.

I did my final high school paper on this drug. Figuratively and as the topic of the paper. It’s amazing the amount of things this can do to different people. There is no specific effects it has. It has a broad range of effects on a broad range of people. On interesting thing in one of the books I have is it’s effects on animals. On example I recall off the top of my head is spiders. There were 4 example pictures of webs weaved by spiders under various chemicals. The normal web I’m sure we’ve all seen but the web under weed influence was half done and sparatic. The web done under caffine’s effects was crazy, no pattern, and pretty big. The effects of the LSD on the spider forced it to creat the most perfect, symmetrical, and biggest web.

not exactly right on but close

spider, sober:

on LSD

After the low dose of LSD-25, this spider like all others in this experiment, built a web which is more regular in central angle and spiral spacing, and has a larger catching area.




The effects (intensity and longevity) are affected by dose strength etc…not the same effects are felt by different people as well…someone on pure LSD (which you will never find on the streets) is going to trip more (obviously) than someone on LSD that is cut w/ another susbstance. usually liquid lsd is stronger than the lsd you get on paper :smiley: so if you are lookin to score some good acid, find the dude w/ the bottle dropper :rofl:

how do you get a spider to do some hashish?


what was the paper on? :smiley:

says they fed the spider drug dosed flies…:dunno: prompts the same question tho…
