Luckiest people on the planet

holy shit that was a good find some of those clips I have seen before BUT damn straight these have to be some of the luckiest people alive, though I still feel like one of the luckiest people alive because of my daughter she RULES :number1:number1:number1:number1:number1

Um, no, my daughter is way cooler.

Those guys jumping in front of the trains are just idiots. What was landed on that suv near the begining?

I dunno what landed on it BUT it was friggen huge and it literally crushed that SUV to the ground

Vot this site is friggen halarious

nice vid !

That plane landing one was scary. I’ve done a lot of flying lately, I’d shit myself if the pilot was coming in like that. Damn cross wind probably.

yea i was thinking the same about the plane, thats crazy, i would of lost it !

that plane thing swinging back and forth like that damn straight I would be kissing the ground and that would of been the end of my flying days

yeah thats how they land planes in crosswinds, that shit is nuts

the bikini wax thing is hillarious. and i also want to know what the hell landed on the SUV in the beginning of the first vid.

SUV one was fake.

that was a crazy video