Lugnut Torque Multiplier


Who said she had to use it to put the lug nuts back on? She’s stranded with a flat, uses this cool device to get the stuck lug nuts loose, slaps on the spare, and tightens the the lugs with the factory wrench. Oooohh… it’s not within +/-.5 ft/lbs of spec like a fancy torque wrench, but it will get her home.

Honestly though, I don’t see my wife ever changing a tire, especially on the truck. Cell phone FTW. It’s from harbor freight, so I wouldn’t want to use it for changing tires every week, but as an emergency rarely use thing it’s probably fine.


ive seen these other places made by other “companies” they are identical to this one, just cost 2-3X the price… there was one avail on a while ago for 19.99, but the housing was plastic…

and yes, i plan on her using this only to loosen the lugnuts and use the stock wrench to get it back on…

she has AAA, but i wanted to teach her how to do it just in case, its a good thin everybody should know… you never know when your cell coverage may suck or battery is dead etc etc… id rather have her do it on her own then flag somebody down for help/rape