LVD Drift Event - Friday 5/11

First LVD event of the year:

Come watch the madness that is known as Bennyfizzle

edit-no vimeo embedding?

THAT /||GG/-\ bennyfizzle AINT SHIT

I’ll be there. With panty liners and a helmet.


Looking into the vimeo embedding issue… AME seems to have puked and died? In the meantime, I’ve edited your first post to use the ‘regular’ embedding code from vimeo.

I will be there 1st drift event for me just got done gutting the car back to the shop to get the rest done… going to be a long night … see you all tomorrow

i will be there with my daughter on my motorcycle and a bunch of guys from work are coming out to watch. everyone competing good luck!

gonna try to come out after work


just chooch it

FUCK, I forgot all about this… Wanted to come up and shoot some photos… Moving my office today and IDK if I can get someoene to watch my daughter… If I can I’ll try and get up there somewhat later on around 5-6

you say almost the same exact quote literally every single event

only thing different is the photos thing

Just picked up a suction cup rated for 200lbs, so hopefully my GoPro won’t fly off Benny’s car when he spins out.

heading out in a little bit… probably riding in my friend’s civic that he picked up on the cheap rather than the tahoe to save on some gas but im not entirely sure yet… hope to see y’all there but since i dont know what any of you fuckers look like, i’ll probably just creep from the sidelines :rofl

quick video i threw together of the event yesterday

I see myself in the far background and CFD next to the pole standing on the concrete barrier haha!