LVD Drift, Sept 11th 2009

You must redeem yourself and bring CP

Sam (my girlfriend not the brother fucker) is coming with me. I had the day requested off but this is one of those situations where being a manager sucks balls

Mike i belive i met you at the last one, you gave elliot your camera to use and I used his… names mackenzie

If you need someone to take some pics on your camera lmk id be more than happy to… as Elliot will be drifting

nice i’m glad to see more people drifting this time. i hope we can get more people to come and watch. i support alot of car shows over the years and i don’t even have a show car so i would hope those same people will support us even if they don’t have a car to drift. we all have the same goal which is to help build the 518 car scene and i thinks it’s getting better.

If some one will lend me a video camera i will endanger my life once again to get some cool footage and then email it to my friend to edit it into something really cool

i think murray has a camera but it might suck balls…i’ll have him bring and if you can use it awesome if not unawesome!

I said fuck it and I am going out to buy a decent camera today/tonight. SRS BZNS is now in BZNS

SO pissed im missing this. take plenty of pics plz


srsly srs

Yes. I’m out of work in 25 minutes then driving to latham cause target has a good deal on the camera i want and its in stock there.

Its no DSLR but I have used it before and loved it.

you shut your whore mouth when your talking about me… whore

so sry


Awesome! I’m hoping my brother takes some baller pics with my camera

hick pics

i think i might beable to make it down. show some support for u guys

better than fat man pics, youd probably eat the camera chubbs :tongue

i can eat anything if allowed to dip in bbq sauce first.

lemme rent your cutty for the drift event?

1 wheel peel + 2:41’s = teh fail


It’s looking like an 80% chance for rain tommorow :(.