LVD Flooded

i cant the old lady took over payments!

sucks the RR is yellow.

if joey runs slicks hel have one…

wayne i got one.

are you going tonight?

trying to. im not going to work, screw that place. i call in, lose a couple bucks, got Dr appt tomorrow. calling in = 1 point. you can take 30 before you get fired.

i’m meeting mike at my dads house around 515 if you want to meet up.

word. if i get my parts by then and get back on the ro-ad

Brett if you end up going it’d be great to borrow that! thanks man!

fuck i think i might be down tonight havent decided… and evryone knows if they need some where to put there shit they can throw it in the bed of the truck

i should be there. dont know if the car is going, but i might tough it out and drive the beater.

Damnit I wish I didn’t work so late, tonight seems like its going to be a good showing.

if u wanna take a ride up after u get off work LMK. i wasnt gonna go, but if u wanna go to watch

You didn’t miss anything. The track was atrocious.

The first 3 lanes you had to drive through a huge puddle of standing mudwater just to line up. The staging lanes were filled with sand, as was the beginning of the track. Fucking waste of 20 dollars.

Figured, Went to my G-pas for his b-day instead

The one guy who was directing traffic at the light was pissing me the fuck off. He kept motioning for me to come forward, so I do my burnout and then line up (as does the other guy), and every time I did he came over and goes “YOU WATCH ME! KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME!”

The last time I got fed up and I told him that he just told me to fucking go forward. He ripped his headphones off and goes “WHATDIDU SAY?!” with all 3 of his teeth rotting out of his mouth. I go “YOU JUST FUCKING TOLD ME TO COME FORWARD. WHICH WAY IS IT?” He put his headphones on and turned around.

Fuck that guy. I don’t know what his problem was but I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him talk to me that way. If he said it nice and didn’t tell me to come forward fine, but the fact that he motioned for me to go and then gets all pissed off for no reason is what gets me.

That track officially sucks now in my book. I’ll gladly drive the 3 hours to e-town again and have a nice track to run at rather than driving in a sand pit and getting yelled at by 3 toothed rednecks who don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.

ya do realize them rednecks is the reason it is open so fast right …not sayin he should of .but look threw his days an nights …honestly it should of waited till next week

dude, the place was under 3 feet of water last week…cut them some slack

I’m just saying that guy’s attitude was unnecessary.

He was doing it to other people too I noticed, so it’s not like it was just me he was being a jerkoff to.

think of how many idiots he deals wit come on