M400X Skycar on ebay

The member questions are freakin hilarious: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/M400X-Skycar-VTOL-Prototype-Aircraft_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ26428QQihZ015QQitemZ250036057352QQrdZ1QQsspa#ebayphotohosting

I swear to god, the question about racing a 951 was NOT me! :wink:

Q: what after market parts are available, can i get screaming eagle exhausts and a dyno stage 3 kit for it and will i be able to attach nitros oxcide to it to make it go faster…also is there any chrome parts to make it look more ‘blingy’…
A: We are not aware of any firm offering aftermarket parts for our vehicle.

the questions are hilarious.

damn, sold for 3 mil, that should get them a decent jumpstart on their next project. Hopefully the next one isn’t so ugly…:smash2:

Q: How many 12 inch subs will it fit and can I put some super chrome 22s with spinners in place of the stock wheels?

A:     The undercarriage of the M400X is designed to use lightweight aircraft tires and wheels. We do not recommend that the buyer change these without a thorough analysis of the impact on the design. Cargo space is limited in the M400X prototype, but the redesigned M400 has much more cabin space and can accommodate about the same amount of luggage as a compact car.

Quite the professional.

At first I just assumed this was another ebay scam, but I think they really did try to sell it.