The light pole in the OP was down, laying in a median (or similar), and apparently had been so for two months.
you win. i lose. :highfive:
i want to no how he made it all the way their without crashing/cops pulling him over before that, cops being called when hes strapping it to his car.
I want to KNOW how you get around everyday with the grammar of a 2 year old.
ask jam,
all of the light poles on the 33 and 198 that are on the ground would have been gone if it wasnt raining…
8’ lengths, maybe, but you’re losing money with the 4’ ers
I’m not defending him, but you don’t need gramer for anything but a receptionist job, or a school teacher.
I can’t think of one instance of written grammer that I’ve ever used in real life.
I swear the people who police spelling on a forum probably say period, or question mark after every sentence in person.
Either way he could have been more creative with chopping the pipe.
I’m going to over look the fact that you incorrectly spelled the word “grammar” twice. If you think those are the only two occupations that require proper grammar to make you not look like an idiot, then I suspect that you are, in fact, an idiot.