Sometimes you never know someone

Creepy. And he got away with it.

Was telling my girlfriend about this. Explained how everyone said he was such a nice guy etc. Sometimes you just snap and go to the extreme, do what you do, put it behind you and move on with your life and thats exactly what this dude did.

Best episode of Storage Wars ever!

People always bag on us guys that have been in prison , when in reality all it takes is a 1 bad decision or a bad few mins of anyone’s lives to be there . Anyone can end up there and everyone has skeletons in there closet or freezer " so to say "

word, this is so true… You can go to jail for aannyything these days. My father moved out of this COUNTRY bc he is scared for his life bc of the corrupt system. When he was in jail (for NOTHING) one of the guys he was in with got 1-3 yrs for picking up a 10 yr old expired credit card off the floor on the subway and carrying it in his pocket just so he could look like he owned a credit card… Im not even gonna start with my pending case, that shits just rediculous.

I have about 13 expired credit cards in my wallet right now. BITCHES LOVE OTHER PEOPLES EXPIRED CREDIT CARDS

lol sounds like a totally legit and reasonable story.

when i was young all i wanted was a credit card… I thought itd be cool to have 1… I believe it… In prison when already convicted, that i was innocent shit is far gone out the door, guys brag about there crimes… This guy legit found an expired credit card on the floor and carried it around with his id to look like he owned a credit card…

the shotgun story? please do tell.

in for an update on you getting off. :pop

nah, no update, just the initial arrest for trying to defend myself and whats mine… Have court Nov 2nd, lawyer might adjourn it again though, not sure.

Good luck and I hope you get nothing more than a slap on the wirst. Next time just shoot the SOB in your store and I’ll even help you dig the hole.

lol, thanks man… Anything more then a fine and a disorderly conduct violation is bullshit imo… Hopefully I can get off with just that, id be happy,


Unfortunately, the guy wasn’t trying to rob or harm David, so David would get fucked. The first guy that went in there didn’t rob David either, as David took a chance by giving the guy money for it, not knowing it was fake. They were not forcefully taking anything from him. Colonie is very anti-gun, so that also must be taken into account.

At some point in time wrong and right has to pass through someones head.

Guy scammed me, second guy TRIED to scam me, guy said he took a 3 hour taxi to upstate ny to sell 1 chain which he had a mercedes benz key in his pocket and guy went up and down central ave to every we buy gold shop selling these fake chains so theres no denying the fact he knew what he was doing… Aside from all of this, I MYSELF was the one who called the police when the second guy came in. If it wasnt for ME calling, I could have offed this dude and threw him in the dumpster and no one woulda known. I only chased the guy bc he ran.

I understand what your saying and your right, but right and wrong SHOULD hold some weight.

I totally agree. The guy’s story has more leaks than the Titanic, but judging from past cases and the Town of Colonie, I have a feeling the DA or ADA will have a lot of pressure to make this thing a big deal. They will try to set an example. One of the top rated safest places in the country had a guy wielding a gun down a busy road chasing someone is how people will see it.
I’ve heard of women being prosecuted for criminal possession of a weapon for using their husbands gun to kill a burglar that was causing them harm. It’s bullshit, but the law doesn’t always see the reasoning regular people do.


anyways that story is nutty ! it sucks that hes already dead and you cant get any satisfaction in telling him you found the body

Thats crazy tho

Haha! Must spread rep though.

yeah i was dying when i read that storage wars comment
