Man Fridge?

Ok this is my build up of a man fridge. Feel free to show yours off.

Step one, put on additional roof to keep the rain off your car for the summer.

Sept two get a fridge and plug it in. I like to keep a 2 wheeled cart on mine, just in case I want to move it.

Step three get a guard dog.

Step four fill with beer. Mine happens to have Bud light, Blue light, Blue, Mic Ultra and amber bock in it. It also has Miller Chill and Mojitos in it for the lady’s.

Step five, enjoy. yummy beer.

Post up some of your beer fridge’s. The next step is a kegerator for me.

Edit: should be in off topic i suck.

Edit 2: I didn’t buy good beer.

Edit 3: I can paint my nails if i want too. :slight_smile:

that IS a damn sexy fridge though… and you had a pic of a corvette, not to mention its in your garage… so you COULD throw it in this section… but ill prb see it in the off topic soon…

awesome guard dog too

plus talking about your fridge in here gets my post count up too

PS… buy sam adams

yea keep the dolly next to the fridge, really easy for someone to take it. i bet it wouldnt happen but ya never know

I didnt realize you painted your toe nails, sweet!
That screams manliness!

My fridge looks like that for my passdays but me and a drinking buddy will empty it in one sitting lol

No stainless? fail

serious gerth on that support beam, the nail polish is a nice tough tho.
I LOVE the handcart idea for the fridge, makes more sense then having the cart and the fridge both in your way.
Im jealous the house i rent has a tiny garage.

its a bit bare… got the heineken, blue, blue lt, some dogfishhead for good measure, summer shandy( for the extra hot days) and PBR cuz… its dope.

let me get this straight… you have a garage… and your car (not to mention its a corvette) sits outside?

edit 4 trim the tankles

PBR is teh awesome.

404 man fridge not found. mich ultra does not compute.

I was gonna put it in DIY until…


Your wife does your beer shopping huh?

It’s reached further functionality, but a couple of days after I moved into my house my father in law opened my fridge and burst out laughing because all I had in it was beer and breakfast sausage. :tup:

no bacon? wtf m8?

:tup: i have had mine for two summer now and i heart it.

My fav was bringing it to the ice bowl!!

I see heinekan in the second fridge- good man!

The OP needs to man up and drink real beer.

I didn’t even catch what Drexial saw, the car sits outside when there’s a perfectly good garage for it?! I’m about to break it off with my g/f because she takes away from my cars too much and you can’t even put the roof over your car. I am shaking my head in shame for you right now.

juice :tdown:

water :tdown:

pop :tdown: unless its for mixing

looks like you dont have metal support braces on the overhang you should probably put those on before it collapses on your vette, if it doesnt now, it will during winter with a snow load on there (i hope the vette wont be there im guessing you have enough sense)

edit: your dog looks like it sucks as a guard dog. it lays on the carpet instead of the cement. watta pussy